Trend Forecasting
Go towards the light

Trend Forcasting

Why do this?

New Product Launch

You’re a fashion/lifestyle brand seeking to introduce eyewear as a new product offering.

Seasonal Storytelling

You want to tell a seasonal marketing story, that is cohesive across all styles, by selecting which trends to follow.

Finding Inspiration

You’re a design team and looking for inspiration for upcoming seasonal collections.


Improved Sales

You’re an independent eyecare practice and want to know where eyewear trends are heading before the seasonal buy.

New Business

You’re a license company with a new potential licensor brand, and you want to integrate the latest trends and colors into your proposal.

Press Exposure

You want to create a breakout collection with contemporary silhouettes & colors that capture the attention of the press and editorials.

How is it done?

1 Discovery


Review past seasons’ eyewear trends in relevant categories.

2 Think Tank


Brainstorm with the internal team and other collaborators. The discussion focuses on what’s next for eyewear two years into the future.

3 Research


Review trends across industries: fashion, style, art, technology, retail, interior design, jewelry design, architecture, industrial product design, and more to develop a direction.

4 Trend Analysis


Identify key themes across industries. What are the similarities and differences? What is gaining popularity, and what is declining? What personalities are essential to pay attention to? How are colors, silhouettes, textures, and patterns shifting?

5 Roadmapping


Develop a custom roadmap based on your brand to take advantage of significant eyewear trends.